Pure and contaminated free drinking water is necessity to ensure healthy and fit life. Investing in a good Drinking Water Filter System like CUCKOO is the need of the hour to keep the dreadful water-borne diseases at bay.
What makes CUCKOO water purifiers stand out?
· Nano-Positive Filtration: CUCKOO water filters feature the robust Nano-positive filtration method that effectively removes 99% bacteria, dust, dirt, viruses and impurities from water, dispensing pure, WHO-Standard quality and healthy water on demand.
· Alkaline Water: Alkaline water is known for its incredible health benefits. CUCKOO water filter dispenses alkaline water, thanks to the in-build Alkaline-Mineralizer that effectively balances pH water levels in the body and ensures the presence of all the essential minerals including sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium in water making the water healthy and mild-alkaline.
· Remove toxic metals: CUCKOO water filters remove the life-threatening heavy metals like cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury. These metals enter in the body and cause dreadful health issues like cancer, kidney ailments and brain issues. CUCKOO’s multi-layer water purification method removes these toxic metals and dispenses WHO-Standard quality water on demand.
· Auto-Sterilization: CUCKOO water filters stand out for their unique auto-sterilization method that cleans every part of the water purifier including water tank, faucet and the water path. The automatic cleaning process is done without using the chemicals ensuring hygienic water on demand.
· Eco-Friendly: CUCKOO is committed to sustainability to minimize the ecological imbalance. All its products including the alkaline water purifier features sustainable initiatives that saves energy usage and prevents the water wastage, making the water filter an ideal option for environment-friendly conscious customers.
· Easy to Maintain: CUCKOO water filters are easy to maintain. The auto-sterilization method effectively cleans every part of the water purifier automatically. The filters are easy to remove and do not need frequent replacements, making it easy to use and maintain.
CUCKOO’s water filtration system and air purifier Singapore are epitome of good health and fit lifestyle. They are engineered using beyond standards technology making your life straight-forward and easy.