Are you worried about the growing impurities and contamination in the water? If so, consider investing in a suit
able Water Dispenser that can keep all the pollutants at bay! A good water purifier- CUCKOO is engineered with the cutting-edge filtration method that removes all kinds of bacteria and viruses from the water, making it clean and fresh to drink.
CUCKOO water purifiers- An Elixir of purit
y and health!
CUCKOO, the leading home appliance brand, has engineered the best Water Filter Dispenser Singapore, considering the modern needs of the urban population. The water purifier is engineered with a state-of-the-art filtration method that keeps all the impurities and contaminants at bay.
1. Cutting-edge filtration method: CUCKOO water filters are designed with the advanced Nano-positive filtration method capable of removing all kinds of dust and bacteria from the water, dispensing pure, clean and fresh water is in sync with the WHO- quality standards.
2. Healthy water: The CUCKOO water filter system has an in-build Alkaline Mineraliser that balances the pH levels of water and makes the mild water alkaline and healthy. The mineraliser also adds essential minerals – calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium to the water required for a healthy body and mind. Alkaline water, over the years, has been considered good for health.
3. Auto-sterilization: CUCKOO water purifiers leave no stone unturned to ensure pure and clean water is dispensed from the faucet. The one-of-a-kind auto sterilization method enables the cleaning of the faucet and nozzle without using chemical disinfectants, thus ensuring complete hygiene of the water dispensed from the faucet.
4. Zero wastage policy: CUCKOO’s zero water wastage technology ensures no water is wasted. The water filtration system not only gives you pure water but also ensures that the rejected water is re-circulated to the overhead tank with an internal pump resulting in Zero water wastage.
5. Removes heavy metals: CUCKOO water purifiers features a material that eliminates even minute particles along with the heavy metals, micro-organisms, ionic substances, bacteria and all kind of viruses from the water, making it safe, healthy and clean to drink.
Wrap up
Keep yourself and your loved ones safe from water-borne diseases by bringing home a CUCKOO water filter!